Elite Online Business Management

for thought leaders , making fast-paced, functional, and fearless moves in their business. 

ditch the to-do list - lets make it happen

Okayy, I see you C.E.O!

You’ve got your team.
You’ve got a solid program.
You’ve got an audience.

But... (you knew a 'but' was coming)

If you're wondering what separates the good from the great - it's having the right support in place that allows you to focus on new opportunities. 

You can't do this if you're stagnant; overwhelmed; and being stuck to every part of your business. 

As your business scales, it becomes less organized, and it becomes harder to focus on the items that matter like; customer retention (which is the real bag), refined sales processes, and leading and bringing your vision to the team. 

A well run business maintains a low churn and grows life time value while also requiring very little from the CEO, releasing them to focus on new opportunities.

As your growth partner, I'll be the additional eyes, ears, and hands in every part of your business so you can hit the level of growth that you know is waiting for you.

get me together Q!

This is not the "hit it and quit it" type relationship.

ie: dumping you with a strategy and waving goodbye while I count your money and you’re left wondering how the hell you’re going to get it all implemented.

I'll help you grow in ways that actually make long-term sense
(not short-term shiny). 


developing your doers

Hiring, Onboarding, and training and managing your team members. And saying goodbye when necessary. 

streamlining  & Implementing systems

Getting my hands dirty in the operations & tech, and actually implementing the systems I recommend so you don't have to.

assessing work-life balance

Looking at how many hours you say you want to work and whether your offer really honors that (or is sustainable for the future).

And finally... it means figuring out how the hell to tie it all together.

This means:

evaluating past performance

Looking at past campaigns and business strategy to ask, 'Did this really work as well as we think it did?' A.K.A. - I know data.

This is what the Online Business Management offer is all about. 

Yes, it’s result driven (because frankly anything outside of getting results just feels silly).

oooh, it's giving "it handled! Let's Chat! 

Yes, it means we’re in it together for the long haul. 

And yes, it’s incredibly in depth…which is why I only offer it to a select few. 

Ready to become one of them?

"In less than a year, she's helped me improve every aspect of my business. I've seen growth in my income and overall clarity in my business. The systems and SOPs she's implemented have allowed me to hit goals that had previously taken a back seat. I'm much more confident in making decisions, and feel at ease bringing her all of my big crazy ideas and goals! I know she won't let anything slip through the cracks, and that the work will get done! The fact that she's a joy to work with and a great team player is the icing on the cake."

"Qwantel's commitment to excellence is unmatched!"

I'll be here for you when: 

You need someone to execute those brilliant 2 am ideas you have so they don't get buried in the abyss of notes in your phone.

Say less, i'm ready

You've been burned by contractors who look good online but not in execution, and you want to be sure and clear about your next hire. 

You also know that tech isn't your strong suit, but you know it's crucial for your business's future and you need someone who understands - and not ask a million questions. 

You want clear visibility into your business, and you need someone who actually understands data. I can bet my pinky toe that no other VA is holding a candle to me when it comes to tracking your overall business performance. 

This woman took my business in her palm, twirled it up in the air, and produced the best tasting straight-out-of-Italy pizza I’ve ever had in my life. With a marketing background, I understand that a lot of people say they get online branding and how it flows with your overall online systems and presence but don’t really GET IT. If you truly allow her to take the wheel, you’ll see so many gains!!"

Qwantel is truly a gem for my business. It’s like I’ve prayed for her all my life!

She communicates professionally, pays attention to what does and doesn't work, and never takes herself or anything personally to CREATE RESULTS for you to WIN! I'd highly recommend her.

"If you truly allow her to take the wheel, you’ll see so many gains!!

Here's What's Included In My OBM Retainer

Operations Management

Your backend systems and processes have come such a long way from when you first started. Judging by the lack of fires that need putting out, all of your bases are covered. That is, for now. But what about the next stage?

I’ll make sure your systems, tools and automations actually make sense for where your business currently is and where it’s going.


This includes: 

✓ Optimizing or setting up new systems to fuel the organization and streamline communication within your services and team. This also includes quarterly and annual business audits. 

✓ Outlining and documenting standard operating procedures (SOPs) to empower your team and fuel business efficiency.

✓ Project Management: Mapping out clear implementation plans for your ideas and tracking their progress, keeping everything running smoothly.

Program Management 

As you've grown your coaching program, there are probably a few things you haven't been able to fix as you grew it. And those brilliant ideas for your program, deserve to see the light of day (not stay hidden in the countless Target notebooks you've collected).

I’ll work with you on everything from managing your day-to-day workflows of the program to making sure your teams are taken care of and also providing support to your clients.  

This includes: 

✓Manage client and student onboarding/offboarding, ensuring clear goals and seamless transitions.

✓  Identifying improvement opportunities, streamlining processes, and sharing insights to align programs with client needs and market trends.

✓ Maintaining up-to-date program materials and documentation, ensuring effective support and compliance with SOPs.

Team Management

You've likely heard that hiring is what would give you back more time in your business and help you focus on the areas that matter…

While this is true, it’s rare that it ends at the hiring of the people. 
There’s also the training of the people.  And the managing of the people. And the “communicating this badass idea you had at 11 pm in the shower” to the people. And that can be, well, exhausting. Let's get you from reactive hiring, to proactive hiring. 

This includes: 

✓ Streamlining your workflow by assigning tasks, equipping your team for success, and keeping projects on track. 

✓ Assist in the hiring process for new team members, and onboard them into your business.

✓ Bridging the gap between your marketing and your overall strategy, ensuring campaigns hit your business goals and KPIs dead-on. 

Performance Management

There’s a concept I’m going to need you to get familiar with if we work together: Data is sexy as hell. 

And it’s okay if you don’t feel that way now, but once you see how much clearer your next big business moves come because we’ve got all that BD (big data) energy from all of your platforms, web pages, lists and more, I can guarantee you’re going to agree. 

The good news is, you don’t have to be the one to source and gather those metrics yourself, I’ll organize them into one place and translate them into a seemless strategy. 

This includes: 

✓ Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) across your business activities to pinpoint what's working and fuel smarter decisions. 

✓ Providing constant SEO monitoring to optimize your marketing channels for maximum results. 

✓Analyzing group program/mastermind/membership data to uncover insights and create strategic plans to improve the customer experience

30 day - audit

In month one we'll audit your business and discover whats worked, what hasn't and where you've experienced significant growth. The audit focuses on the five main areas of your business: Operations, Marketing, Sales, Finance and Clients. At the end of the audit I'll have a better idea of what we're working with and prioritize the next step action items in your business. 



If there's one thing I want you to take away from this?

I'm deeply invested in your success. Forget one-night stands. This is a win-win forever kind of partnership. In fact, we might even need matching
t-shirts. Let me get on that. 


60 day - Strategize



From the audit, and the list of priorities, we'll define what next level success looks like for you. This includes establishing your goals and creating a system to measure your OKRs and KPIs on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis.  

If there's one thing I want you to take away from this?

I'm deeply invested in your success. Forget one-night stands. This is a win-win forever kind of partnership. In fact, we might even need matching
t-shirts. Let me get on that. 


90 day - prepare



Once we've built our strategy, I'll then setup your foundational systems in your business. I'll have built a system for all departments including: Operations, Marketing, Sales, Finance and Clients. These systems will provide you with a complete 180 picture of how your entire business - and whether or not it's truly running like a  "well-oiled" machine. 

If there's one thing I want you to take away from this?

I'm deeply invested in your success. Forget one-night stands. This is a win-win forever kind of partnership. In fact, we might even need matching
t-shirts. Let me get on that. 

There will be no drinking water from a firehose around here! 
(I prefer my beverages in wine glasses please) 
In the first 90 days I follow a strategic approach that prioritizes building a strong working relationship and setting the foundation in your business.
We'll do this by following my 90 day framework: Audit, Strategize, Prepare

Your First 90 Days

Investment starts at



All retainers require a 3 month minimum committment

per month

"The things that she's done within my business would have taken me years to do!"

"Working with Qwantel is truly...lifechanging! The things that she's done within my business would have taken me years to do! It's like having your business best friend. She knows everything about my business..I'm talking about all the details! Having somebody root for you, and having somebody go to bat for you, and having somebody who believes in you, more than you believe in yourself at times is so important." 

This is not meant to be a cold, sterile business process.  During this call, we'll dive into your business the current state of your business and where you're trying to go. It's a chance for us to get to know each other and for me to understand the unique dynamics of your business. 

If we're a good fit, you'll be sent your contract, and invoice. The contract will have all the details we need. Once you've reviewed your contract, signed and paid your first invoice you'll be sent a link to your onboarding call. 


Our first three months together are crucial. It's a period of intensive auditing, strategy, and implementation.  We'll start with an onboarding kick-off call to get me in the system and this is where our relationship and building begins. 

How to Get Started


Discovery Call


Contract & invoice

First 90 Days Begin


OBMs vs VA



virtual assistant (VA)

Online business manager (OBM)

primary focus

task execution

strategic planning

project management

team leadership

client/customer interaction

technical skills


setting business goals

pricing structure

decision making


systems setup

financial management

But We Go Together Like Biscuits N’ Gravy!

Both roles serve two different purposes that can greatly contribute to your business growth. Lean on your OBM for strategy, communications, and systems management. Turn to your VA to task it through. 


Strategy and Management oriented

Performs administrative tasks

Oversees team/task execution


Plans + maps out business strategies

Manages large projects & teams

Can handle smaller project tasks

Leads and manages a team


Often handles customer service

Varies (e.g, basic software usage)

May report task completions


Sets and tracks business goals and KPIs

Usually hour or per task

Often retainer based or project-based

Follows guidelines/instructions

May require specific task training

Use systems in place

May handle invoicing/bookeeping

Oversees budgeting and financial planning

Has more autonomy in decisions

Often trains or onboards team members

Creates and optimizes business systems

Provides comprehensive business reports

More specialized
(e.g; CRM Management)

Deals with high-level client relations

Frequently Asked Questions

so many terms (VA, OBM, PM) which one do i choose?

A VA provides basic task support. They receive the task and complete it, they don’t typically strategize or oversee projects. They are the task-doers and know less about the big picture workings of your business. The four key things that sets an OBM apart from a virtual assistant are responsibilities, level of autonomy, skills, and compensation. I talk about these more in my blog post here.

A PM oversees specific projects. They are less in the business as a whole and can handle onboarding and off-boarding clients, maintaining communication between you and your clients. They generally only have access to the client side of your business, or occasionally internal projects like launches.

An OBM provides hands-on project and operational support for your business. They give project oversight, and create and implement strategies. They support the day-to-day operations of a business: making sure projects are on schedule, handling communication with clients and team members, managing situations that pop up, and making sure all systems in the business are running smoothly. OBMs know the ins and outs of your business systems as they often are the ones who built them in the first place.

do you work on an hourly basis?

No. I provide a flat rate instead of an hourly fee, so you always know exactly what your expenses will be each month (your Accountant will love me lol).

who do you typically work with?

Course Creators, Group Program and Mastermind CEOs. Meaning you either own a digital product shop, for courses, you have a successful group program, membership or mastermind. 

is it okay if i'm not organized (on my backend yet) 

Your mess is my success! But you MUST be ready to improve. I always start with an audit of your current situation and provide you with a systems and operations strategy to get things organized in your business. #judgementfreezone

why should i choose you as my obm?

Ihave never been in fast fixes or trendy “one size fits all” business strategies. I’m here to provide customized solutions that actually move the needle in your business and to be there right along side you to help you execute them.